Long Time No See; what you have missed.
Hey, long time no see. I could use excuses such as; I forgot my login or school was sooo busy but really I was stuck for how to word everything that is happening in my chaotic life. This blog post will be a bit of a catch up and I will try to start posting more regularly; try being the key word. I've downed my coffee so without further ado let's get into what has happened since my last post in... August 2018. (Oops)
September of 2018 saw my migration from Secondary school to College and honestly it was terrifying. Most of my friends were shipping their selves off to different colleges to me and it felt as if I would spend the first few days wandering around lost. Thankfully, a group seemed to take to me and I joined them; it seemed like a good idea at first. Anyyyway, I took to all my subjects very well (English Language, Psychology, Film Studies and Journalism if you were wondering) and I was surprised by how well I had transitioned.

Then comes October, what a month that was. I found love (lost in two months later), went to the beautiful Lanzarote and started feeling a little more comfortable with myself. We went on
holiday on the eleventh and returned a week and a bit later. The night before, when I was packing, I was talking to a guy called James who surprisingly to me became an important part of my life for two months. It started with me texting something about twenty one pilots and we ended up talking for hours. Even the next day we talked whilst I was lulling around the airport waiting for my delayed plane. I made the stupid but brilliant mistake of asking for his phone number so I could text him on the plane *rolls eyes for making it obvious* and I guess it clicked that I liked him. My parents, when I told them about my new boyfriend put it down at first as me being jet lagged. Soon they noticed that it wasn't just my tired ramblings, maybe it wasn't best to announce it to them on a warm coach to out hotel. More about my holiday, we visited a volcano, local zoo with the cutest animals and spent half the time lounging by the pool when we were not eating everything at the all inclusive bar. I was sad to say goodbye to the warm weather at the end of the holiday, joining everyone in being shocked when the pilot told us the weather was below 10 degrees when we were landing. In October I also joined a new and better friendship group and we instantly hit it off, life was looking up.
With the holiday at an end, I would normally have nothing to look forward to... however this year I had made sure to keep the fun going by booking an escape room and this is a subject that deserves it's own post but I'll summarise. We went to a titanic themed escape room (as that was a subject of interest for me at the time) and escaped... almost. Without containing any spoilers, the task was simple; make your way through the four rooms to escape the Titanic before it sinks. Now me and my team, made up of two friends and my sister jumped into the challenge suddenly turning into Sherlock Holmes as the door was locked which meant running around and touching every wall and piece of furniture looking for clues. It got to us having seconds left that me and one of my friends started to accept 'death' and said our goodbyes whilst the other two were running around the rooms like maniacs. Clearly I was not much help near the end but ever since we almost escaped I've wanted to do another one, we shall see.
Right onto November, what happened well... um not much really. We went out for my sister's birthday and I went on a date to see the new Bohemian Rhapsody movie which was amazing!! Okay maybe something did happen in November; my love for Queen turned into an obsession. I have planned a blog post on the topic of Queen but if we conceal it towards a paragraph. Queen turned into my world, before I just enjoyed the songs but now I had the realisation of how beautiful the members of the band were, not just in looks but personality as well. Freddie Mercury was an amazing front man and I seemed to learn more and more about him even buying Jim Hutton's book 'Mercury and Me' when I had run out of stuff on the internet. Roger became my favourite band member (Sorry to John and Brian love you too.) and it wasn't that much of a surprise to me when he mentioned his love life. Brian May just sort of amazed me with how much he has managed to do. And for John Deacon, well he has a special place because of his beautiful dance moves which explain his nickname of 'Disco Deaky'. I've seemed to have gone off on a ramble about my love for them, it just happens sometimes. Let's just say I can't go through a day without quoting the band or one of their songs.
December held its usual excitement, not just with Christmas but with my nephew's first birthday. I can't start to explain simply how important this boy is to me and how much he has changed my life for the better. I call him my little munchkin and everyday he amazes me with something new he has learnt. The whole idea of a baby going from not being able to do anything transforming into this child toddling everywhere amazes me so much. He has recently learnt how to walk and I can't help but smile when he walks to me to give me a hug and a 'kiss'. December also taught me how to make a gingerbread house without it toppling over, but I thank James a little bit for that. I learnt how to look after myself better, I managed to sleep more and eat better, even started going to the gym again. My friendship group helped me with that, they are honestly the greatest. It feels like a little college family. Christmas was a lazy one but wasn't that what the holiday was for? My now one year old munchkin was spoiled rotten and I spent a hefty part of Christmas helping assemble his toys. New years was again a relaxing one, we ate pizza and drank in the new year with family, nothing else was needed. (Except Paracetamol for the morning headache).
So the end of 2018 was pretty great, must mean that 2019 was going to be even better... well so far not so much. I have learnt a lot since the beginning of 2019 about myself and what was truly important. To start of the year with a bang... my boyfriend broke up with me. It took a while to accept and I am still making my way through to the other side of feeling as if I am better without him. We remain friends and I'm grateful for that. Over the course of our two month relationship I learnt how to love myself through the help of someone else loving me, I was more sociable then I had ever been and I now have the greatest friends that I could ever ask for. I have to admit that I went downhill for a little bit, I stopped sleeping a decent amount, sometimes only surviving on 3 or 4 hours a night and I felt lost. I still feel a little lost. The reason I am talking about this so openly is so that people know that it okay to feel lost and to be upset, you don't have to rush getting over something like this and I'm glad that I have realised that. One of my new years resolutions is to get myself to the best version of me by the end of year and if you haven't made a resolution maybe that can be yours too. I want to be happier, healthier and not afraid to express myself. (In a funny sort of way I think Freddie Mercury taught me that.)
Okay so that ended a little sappy but it's true. That was the second half of my 2018, like I said I want to be able to post more, once a month at least but hopefully more. If you have a topic you want me to talk about or just want to message me look on the contact infomation page on the blog.
Thanks for taking the time to read this,
Signing off, Millie.